A photo, a memory

Choosing a photo was very difficult because I have a lot of options, historical photos, family photos, photos with my friends, that are really important... But I decided to choose this that is one of my favourite pictures, because it's very expressing and a pretty photo taken in an important place
I took this photo on September 12th, the day before the conmemoration of the state coup and it's Londres 38, an ex center of detention and torture. The walls have writting some names of Detained.dessapeared that were there, and in the street, there's a lot of plates with names, so many names, so many persons of some many ages that didn't diserve that, because nobody deserves that kind of treat.
I think that the photo represents the memory, because the flowers, the names in the walls written by maybe familiars, maybe common people, have the importance to illustrate that we don't forget, and we don't forgive.


  1. The history in one photo, so emotional...
    I really like it

  2. whoa! that's a really beautiful and strong photo I also went to Londres 38. It's really shock what hapen there and in the whole contry in that time

  3. Londres 38 is a potencial place, and I think it's a bit terrifying for all the thing that happened in it :(

  4. Your photo represent a lot of things, and the message is very strong and important, we don't forget and we don't forgive. we need the truth and justice for this persons and their families. "A country without memory is a country without history"


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