My future job

Hi, today I'm gonna talk about another difficult topic for me, which is MY FUTURE JOB. 
I've never thought of where I would like to work in the future, because I'm a undecided person, so I'm always changing my mind and my plans. Actually I wanted to be a history teacher, but then I realized that I wanted to study Anthropology, and then I changed my mind again and realized that I wanted to be an Archaeologist, but it wasn't an easy decision, because I also wanted to be a physical anthropologist too. 
So here I am, studying Archaeology, and thinking in what I would like to specialize.  
The benefit of this career is that I would have to be in the outdoor most of the time, I like to be on the field, because I think that offices are very boring. I would have to be in office too, analyzing the artifacts, obviously. 
So, if I imagine the Valentina of the future, I would like to be in the Norte Chico (which is my favorite subject) investigating some rock shelters. But I would also like to work with communities, if I have the opportunity. I mean that I would like to have a social work, maybe work with some public politics, but all linked with the archaeology, because we can't be out there just excavating everything in their territory and not explain or help them we have to considerate their opinion and let the science be public, because what's the use of the investigations and papers if they are just for the academy? 
I let you with a picture of San Pedro Viejo de Pichasca, a rock shelter in the third region. 


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